• Uncommon compassion
  • Unwavering dedication
  • Unbreakable resolve


Press coverage

VCU Massey Comprehensive Cancer Center is making headlines locally and globally for its renown in leading and shaping the fight against cancer.

Highlights of press coverage

Richmond Times Dispatch: VCU Health’s new outpatient tower will expand Massey Cancer and consolidate services

WTVR CBS 6: Dr. Randall interviewed on Virginia this Morning segment for National Gynecologic Cancer Awareness Month

The Associated Press: LUNGevity awards inaugural Health Equity and Inclusiveness Lung Cancer Research Awards

U.S. News & World Report: Cancer Patients Avoiding Pot, Even as Rules on Use Relax

WTVR CBS 6: Farm stand outside Virginia hospital serves 'wonderful purpose' for cancer patients

The Cancer Letter: Racial minority patients underrepresented in 80% of hospitals, U.S. News "equity measures" find

Star Tribune: PATHS, VCU tackle racial disparities in cancer screening, June 9, 2021

AWBC: The brilliant Dr. Shepherd, May 2021

Richmond Times Dispatch: P. Srirama Rao, F. Gerard Moeller and Robert Winn column: Clinical trials bring hope for a better tomorrow , May 19, 2021

WTVR CBS 6: Nurse's cancer journey helps her to better connect with patients: 'I understand', May 6, 2021

Richmond Magazine: Massey physicians recognized as "Top Docs 2021", April 26, 2021

WTVR CBS 6: Massey doctor explains new mammogram guidelines for women who get the COVID-19 vaccine, April 6, 2021

WWBT NBC 12: Massey patient discharged from hospital on his 43rd wedding anniversary, March 18, 2021

Massey director comments on Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine, March 4, 2021

First Lady Dr. Jill Biden visits Massey to address cancer disparities, February 24, 2021

Massey patient shares breast cancer journey, February 6, 2021

Massey researcher shows geographic disparities in HPV vaccination, January 31, 2021

A Colonoscopy alternative comes home, January 11, 2021

YAHOO!: American Cancer Society Names Dr. Winn to Board of Directors, December 18, 2020

The Washington Post: Massey postdoctoral fellow provides expert commentary on food insecurity during pandemic, December 18, 2020

Lung cancer screenings save lives, November 13, 2020

Why women with low risk of DCIS may not need surgery, November 6, 2020

Danny TK Avula and Robert Winn column: The flu shot is another line of defense against COVID-19, October 25, 2020

WRIC ABC 8: Local doctors worry annual mammograms are being skipped: 'It is a concern', October 9, 2020

Virginia Business: VCU scientists studying cancer drug as COVID-19 treatment, September 21, 2020

WTVR CBS 6: Medical professionals share advancements in cervical cancer treatment, September 18, 2020

Dr. Winn Discusses “Facts, Faith, & Fridays” on Community Conversations, August 15, 2020

WRIC ABC 8: New recommended lung screening guidelines for smokers could double eligibility, July 31, 2020
Massey physicians Patrick Nana-Sinkam and Mark Parker were featured in a news segment to discuss updated guidelines for lung cancer screening that could double the number of people eligible and save thousands of lives. WFXR FOX provided additional coverage.

Massey researcher Arun Sanyal provided expert commentary on the effectiveness of the drug remdesevir in shortening COVID-19 recovery time and the importance of wearing masks in preventing further spread of the disease., July 9, 2020

Dr. McCarty talks about ways to boost the immune system, July 7, 2020

‘A pandemic within a pandemic’: COVID-19, protests shine a spotlight on inequity , June 12, 2020

In the June AACI Commentary, director Dr. Robert Winn emphasizes the importance of community outreach to successful clinical trials. , June 12, 2020

Dr. Winn was quoted in The Cancer Letter again in an article titled, #WhiteCoats4BlackLives aims to lead to real change in oncology, June 12, 2020
He said, “I’ve never been more hopeful in my entire life.”

Robert Winn co-authored an editorial calling endemic-institutional structural racism a public health crisis that can be improved, much like cancer, through holistic and effective treatment. , June 9, 2020

Doctor's warning after COVID-19 delays some women's mammograms, June 6, 2020
Massey physician Priti Shah was featured in a news segment to discuss safety measures in place for women who need to get their mammogram during the COVID-19 crisis.

I could have been George Floyd—many times, June 5, 2020
Director Robert Winn authored an editorial detailing his previous experiences with inappropriate policing in Chicago and calling institutional racism a public health issue just as much as other chronic diseases, including cancer.

NPR: Health Safety Tips For When It's Time To Emerge From Lockdowns, May 11, 2020

RTD: Williams: A collaboration between a doctor and black clergy in Richmond could be a model. Health care should be the next great social justice movement. , May 8, 2020

CBS 6: VCU Massey supports cancer patients as they adjust to life during global , May 6, 2020

Richmond Magazine: Seeking a Silver Bullet: A Massey researcher is on the front line of a pandemic study, May 3, 2020

Richmond Magazine: Play Your Part: Healthy volunteers are needed for an array of medical trials and studies, May 1, 2020

ABC 8: ‘African American communities are dying more than others’: VCU cancer director weighs in on COVID-19, April 30, 2020

CBS 6: African Americans 3 to 6 times more likely to get COVID-19, expert says, April 11, 2020

CBS 6: VCU Massey Comprehensive Cancer Center maintaining care in the face of COVID-19, April 6, 2020

Virginia Business: VCU Health physician runs COVID-19 drug trial, March 26, 2020

The Cancer Letter: Guest Editorial by Robert Winn: The COVID-19 pandemic gives us the urgency—and one more chance—to address health disparities, March 20, 2020

CBS 6: Dr. Robert Winn becomes first African-American cancer director at VCU Massey Comprehensive Cancer Center, March 12, 2020

Robert Winn: Virginia’s first African American cancer director, February 13, 2020
VCU Massey Comprehensive Cancer Center is renowned for its successes and research in cancer treatment, and they have a new man in charge to keep raising the bar. Robert Winn created history when he received the job at VCU.

Massey director Robert Winn gives an in-depth interview for a Q&A in a leading source of oncology news., January 17, 2020
A leading source of oncology news, The Cancer Letter recently published an in-depth Q&A with VCU Massey Comprehensive Cancer Center’s new director, Robert Winn.

Groundbreaking treatment for children with cancer now at VCU, October 10, 2019

Massey explores how interactive technology can relieve pain and improve life for cancer patients, August 7, 2019

The patients’ stories are beautiful pieces of art, August 7, 2019
An article highlighted how Massey doctors and a VCU Arts professor are exploring the way interactive technology can relieve pain and improve life for cancer patients.

After meeting as teens, couple reunites decades later in Richmond before battling cancer together, July 18, 2019
An article shared the story of a couple who both underwent bone marrow transplants at Massey in the same year.

VCU researchers studying protein involved in milk production to treat breast cancer , May 9, 2019
A WTVR CBS 6 News segment featured a Massey researcher and how he is one of the first doctors in the world to study the role of the hormone prolactin in breast cancer.

Study aims to uncover how breast cancer treatments impact heart function , April 6, 2019
A WTVR CBS 6 segment highlighted a clinical trial at Massey that is aimed at preventing heart conditions in breast cancer patients.

Clinical trial in Richmond leads to drug that reduces breast cancer by 50 percent , January 19, 2019
A WRIC ABC 8 News segment reported on a global clinical trial co-led by a Massey researcher that found a new drug reduces the recurrence of breast cancer by 50%.

New treatment for lymphoma patients called a “revolution” , November 15, 2018
A WWBT NBC 12 News segment reported on the success of CAR T-cell therapies at Massey.

Richmond Magazine: Easing the Way, September 8, 2018
An article reported that a Massey study found that palliative care is linked to shorter hospital stays and cheaper medical care costs

Marine Corps veteran recovering from a stem cell transplant done at Massey reunites with and adopts his former military dog after three years apart, June 27, 2018
An article shared the story of a Massey cancer patient who reunited with his military dog after three years apart.

Massey surgeon explains how a new clinical trial developed at Massey based on his laboratory research has the potential to improve the effectiveness of breast cancer treatments, June 6, 2018
A WTVR CBS 6 News segment highlighted how VCU Massey Comprehensive Cancer Center doctors are conducting a trial using an experimental drug combo to make chemo work better for breast cancer patients.

Chemotherapy study a 'game changer' for breast cancer patients, June 5, 2018
Dr. Charles Geyer was interviewed about a landmark study that he co-authored which found that thousands of breast cancer patients will be able to safely forgo chemotherapy.

Joan Lunden hopes visit to Richmond will save lives, February 6, 2018
A news segment featured an interview segment with Joan Lunden in support of breast cancer early detection and Massey's Women & Wellness Luncheon.

Massey study links poor sleep to childhood obesity and increased cancer risk, January 26, 2018
An article featured a study from Massey researcher Bernard Fuemmeler which found that poor sleep quality is associated with childhood obesity and an increased cancer risk.

Four-legged comfort for VCU Massey Comprehensive Cancer Center patients, August 18, 2017
A news segment featured Jessica Gray, Massey palliative care nurse manager, and the unit's therapy dog, Renny.

VCU Massey Comprehensive Cancer Center renews its National Cancer Institute designation, August 6, 2017
A news segment highlighted Massey's designation renewal by the National Cancer Institute and featured an interview with Director Gordon Ginder.

Woman grapples with breast cancer diagnosis as Massey surgeons remove her tumor, July 29, 2017
A newspaper published an ongoing series following a breast cancer patient as she received her diagnosis and treatment at Massey.

VCU's new pancreatic cancer treatment could improve outcomes, May 14, 2017
An article features CIVA sheet, a new FDA-approved bio-absorbable, internal radiation device, that Massey was the first in the world to successfully implant to treat early stage pancreatic cancer.

4 family members, over 3 generations, diagnosed with breast cancer, May 15, 2017
Massey breast cancer survivors Michelle Brooks, Tressy and Tabatha Smith, and Mildred O’tey share their story of facing back-to-back breast cancer diagnoses in four family members over the course of four years. Their Massey medical oncologist, Mary Helen Hackney, M.D., explains how to manage a high risk of hereditary cancer.

VCU Health demonstrates new chemotherapy treatment, March 2, 2017
An article features HIPEC, heated intraperitoneal chemotherapy, which Massey is the only provider in Richmond to offer for the treatment of advanced abdominal cancers.

Neuro-oncologists at Massey help more patients win brain cancer battle, January 12, 2017
A news segment highlights neuro-oncology at Massey.

New VCU clinic aims to reverse pancreatic cancer 'death sentence', November 30, 2016
A news segment features Massey's new program for pancreatic cancer, which is the first of its kind in the region.

Massey clinic addresses growing medical issue, August 17, 2016
A TV news segment featured Michael Hess and Massey's Cardio-Oncology Program.

'I'm whole,' says breast cancer survivor after microsurgical reconstruction, August 6, 2016
A TV news segment featured the story of a mother of four with breast cancer who underwent a mastectomy, including expert commentary from Massey surgeon Santosh Kale on microsurgical breast reconstruction.

Massey doctors start 2nd clinical trial for promising breast cancer treatment, July 23, 2016
Article discusses two Massey doctors, Paul Dent and Andrew Poklepovic, and their new drug mixture that has shown great promise in treating advanced forms of cancerous tumors, particularly in cases of breast cancer.

Deadly and beautiful: The mesmerizing images of cancer research, July 11, 2016
An article highlights the National Cancer Institute's Cancer Close Up 2016 project– a collection featuring microscopy photographs of cancer-related cells, tissues and molecules from researchers at two dozen of the nation’s leading cancer centers, including Massey.

Exclusive: TV Star’s Cancer Battle, January 22, 2016
Actress Danielle Spencer, star of the hit 70s TV show What’s Happening!, described her double mastectomy performed by Massey surgical oncologist Brian Kaplan.