• Uncommon compassion
  • Unwavering dedication
  • Unbreakable resolve


Patient stories

Cancer puts life in perspective

Cancer puts life in perspective. Daily inconveniences become insignificant in comparison to the things that truly matter. For Alexis Quance, it's having the chance to experience life as a normal teenager. For David Headley, it's strengthening the bond with his family. For Mercedes Velasquez, it's continuing to be the same mom to her children.

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Alexis Quance

Alexis Quance

"There is not a single aspect of who I am that has not been affected by my diagnosis. I was a happy 17-year-old girl who lost all my hair and, basically, my identity and had my life pulled right from under me. It forced a severe perspective change. It was difficult to say the least, but all I could focus on was getting better and doing what my medical team said to get me healthy…to live."

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David Headley

David Headley

"Massey gave me excellent health care. The nurses gave me the positive support that I needed and the team of doctors was awesome! With help from all of the Massey team, I am able to carry on and cherish every day."

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Mercedes Velasquez

Mercedes Velasquez

"At this point, I’m in remission, and although it has been a long road, I know that I’m in good hands at Massey. My perspective on life has changed greatly since being diagnosed. I’ve learned that life is short and you must live every day to the fullest. I now realize that I can’t control everything and that patience is a virtue. My friends and family are my life, and surrounding myself with them has made this journey easier to navigate."

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