• Uncommon compassion
  • Unwavering dedication
  • Unbreakable resolve


Cellular Immunotherapies and Transplant Program

The Cellular Immunotherapies and Transplant Program at VCU Massey Comprehensive Cancer Center provides leading-edge, collaborative and comprehensive care for pediatric and adult patients with a variety of blood and bone marrow disorders. We offer the latest FDA-approved CAR-T immunotherapies, clinical trials testing new and promising forms of cellular immunotherapies as well as all forms of stem cell and bone marrow transplantation. We work with referring physicians and carefully evaluate each patient before recommending an individualized treatment plan that will lead to the best possible outcomes and quality of life.

Learn more

Massey was the first in Virginia to offer an FDA-approved CAR T-cell therapy. Find out more in the video.

Additional team members include:

Clinical pharmacists
Kelly Hawks, Pharm.D.
May Aziz, Pharm.D.

Nursing leadership
Jessica Gray, R.N., nursing director
Martha Booth, N.P., outpatient nursing manager
Kristen Oliver, R.N., inpatient nursing manager

Cellular immunotherapies and transplant coordinators
Angela Buskey, R.N.
Linda Mayhew, R.N.
Dana Broadway, R.N.
Judith Davis, R.N.
Michelle Sherwood,R.N.
Yvonne Allen, R.N.
Kristina Folks, R.N.

Social workers
Karen Mullin, M.S.W. (patients A-J)
Jennifer Blosser, A.C.S.W., L.C.S.W., C.-S.W.H.C. (patients K-Z)

Our treatment locations

VCU Medical Center North Hospital

VCU Medical Center North Hospital

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1300 E. Marshall Street
Richmond, VA 23219

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(804) 828-0450
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Get access to new, innovative care

Treatments in clinical trials may be more effective or have fewer side effects than the treatments that are currently available. With more than 200 studies for multiple types of cancers and cancer prevention, Massey supports a wide array of clinical trials.

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Massey supports hundreds of top cancer specialists serving the needs of our patients. Massey’s medical team provides a wealth of expertise in cancer diagnosis, treatment, prevention and symptom management.

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Massey’s health care team provides a wealth of expertise in cancer diagnosis, treatment, prevention and symptom management. Click the button to request an appointment with our CITP team.

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