• Uncommon compassion
  • Unwavering dedication
  • Unbreakable resolve


Communication assistance

The use of cell phones is allowed in any area of VCU Massey Comprehensive Cancer Center and VCU Medical Center, unless otherwise indicated. Please be courteous in the company of others patients and visitors.

The following communications resources are available for those with special needs. Tell your health care provider if you need these resources.

  • Language line: A dial-up translation service is available to assist non-English speaking patients in communicating with staff and medical professionals. The service provides translation for approximately 140 languages. You may obtain this assistance by contacting your health care provider at the location you are receiving medical services.
  • Text telephone: The medical center can provide a device which enables hearing-impaired patients to communicate over the telephone by way of a keyboard and LCD display.
  • Amplified telephone: Telephones with light signalers and hearing aid-compatible handsets that amplify tones are available for hearing-impaired patients.
  • Sign language and cued speech interpreters: Interpreters are available to interpret or translate between the patient and their health care provider, if needed. All interpreters are qualified through the National Association for the Deaf, National Cued Speech Association and state screening through the Virginia Department of Deaf and Hard of Hearing. If you require these services, inform your health care provider when scheduling your appointment. Advance notice is required to arrange for these services, so please let your health care provider know as soon as possible to avoid delays.
  • Virginia relay center: This service provides telephone relay services between TTY users and voice telephone users. TTY users 1-800-828-1120; voice users 1-800-828-1140.
  • Sign language cards: Cards with pictures and signs for survival needs are available for temporary use from the Patient Education Center, Main Hospital 9-117, phone (804) 828-2139.