• Uncommon compassion
  • Unwavering dedication
  • Unbreakable resolve


The RAMble: Walking for Wellness

Ramble walk image

The RAMble is product of a multi-departmental effort to foster stronger patient-provider relationships, increased physical activity, and enhanced community support and networking. This program is brought to you by the Massey Integrative Health Program, VCU Women’s Health at Stony Point, VCU Department of Kinesiology and Health Sciences, and Pauley Heart Center.

Monroe Park 1st Saturday of Every Month

Monroe Park 1st Saturday of Every Month

Meeting dates: October 7, November 4, December 2, January 6, February 3, March 2, April 6, May 5

Meeting time: 8:30 a.m.

Meet at the fountain

620 W. Main St., Richmond, VA 23220

**Rain location: VCU Cary Street Gym
101 S. Linden St., Richmond, VA 23284

Stony Point Fashion Park  3rd Saturday of every month

Stony Point Fashion Park 3rd Saturday of every month

Meeting dates: September 16, October 21, November 18, December 16, January 21, February 18, March 18, April 15, May 20

Meeting time: 8:30 a.m.

Meet at the dog park entrance

9200 Stony Point Parkway,
Richmond, VA 23325

**Weather permitting

The RAMble Report

Read updates from previous events!

April 2022

February 2022

January 2022

December 2021

November 2021

October 2021

September 2021

The RAMble and Me

Read testimonials from patients and providers on their RAMble experience!

Suzie Park, M.D. on RAMble history and present

Watch previous health talks!

Raphael Louie, M.D., on the importance of mammograms

Hem Bhardwaj, M.D., on heart disease

Susan Hong, M.D., on Vitamin D

Renee Y. Carter, M.D., M.P.H., FACP, on health apps for wellness

Sarah Hobgood, M.D., on physical activity and health

Photo gallery


A great turnout for the September 2021 RAMble

The group warms up and stretches out under the watchful guidance of Mary Shall, PT, Ph.D., chair of VCU Physical Therapy 


Mary Shall, PT, Ph.D., and helper demonstrate stretching while Massey medical oncologist Mary Helen Hackney, M.D., follows along


RAMble regulars Kathleen and David van Esselstyn and VCU Health's Carrie Cybulski, MSHA, CHFP, PMP stretch their muscles

Even pups are welcome at The RAMble. Mary Shall, PT, Ph.D., and Shelly Arthur brought their faithful companions, Jake and Hank.

Susan Hong, M.D., M.P.H., FACP, director of Massey's Cancer Survivorship Program & daughter


Massey medical oncologist Mary Helen Hackney, M.D., and VCU Health marketing manager Debbie Schumacher

VCU Health's Carrie Cybulski, MSHA, CHFP, PMP and RAMble regular Dolores Clements