• Uncommon compassion
  • Unwavering dedication
  • Unbreakable resolve


Legal and financial resources

If you are concerned about paying your medical bills and meeting your other financial obligations, the following agencies may be helpful to you.

In addition, some hospitals have foundations that make financial help available, and others are willing to set up monthly payment plans based on ability to pay. To find out more, contact the hospital’s social worker.

For additional resources, you also can look under “Social Service Organizations” in the Yellow Pages of your phone book.

Patient Financial Services at VCU Medical Center

Phone (804) 828-9000 prior to procedure and for billed charges.

The Financial and Accounting Office should be able to answer your questions about any billed charges from VCU Health System’s MCV Hospitals. For charges from the Associated Physicians, call the Associated Physicians’ number below.

Questions about hospital charges prior to procedure should be directed to the charge services manager at (804) 281-0627.

Patient billing from MCV Physicians

(804) 358-6100

Patient billing counselors should be able to answer your questions about doctors’ bills (those affiliated with MCV Physicians).


(800)  633-4227

Medicare is a three-part health insurance program administered by the Social Security Administration. You can apply for Medicare benefits if you are 65 or more years of age. (Medicare benefits are not automatically sent to you.)

Medicare Part A covers hospital charges, limited coverage of skilled nursing facilities and home health care. Part B is a voluntary insurance program that covers doctors’ visits, certain durable medical equipment, ostomy and selected prosthetic supplies, home health care and outpatient services. For more information, discuss Medicare coverage with your social worker.

Both Parts A and B have initial deductibles that must be paid by you before Medicare pays anything. After you have met your deductible, Medicare pays 80 percent of what they deem reasonable costs; you pay the remaining 20 percent.

Medicare Part D is a Medicare prescription drug coverage insurance that covers both brand-name and generic prescription drugs at participating pharmacies in your area.


(800) 552-8627

The Virginia Medical Assistance Program is a program that pays the costs of medical care for those who are judged not to be able to pay the costs themselves. Eligibility for benefits is determined by local social service departments and is based on federal guidelines.

A medically needy person or family must be blind, disabled or age 65 or older in order to qualify. Individuals eligible for Aid to Dependent Children or Supplemental Security Income also are eligible for Medicaid. A person who is or will be eligible for Medicaid within six months must be screened by a team consisting of a doctor, nurse and social worker to determine what services are most appropriate for the person’s medical condition.

Contact your local department of social services to find out more about the following programs.

  • Food Stamps are coupons that can be used like cash to buy food at grocery stores that accept them. Eligibility is based on your household income and resources.
  • General Relief is help for people who are needy and meet certain other requirements. The program provides ongoing help to unemployable people. It also provides emergency or short-term help to temporarily disabled people.
  • Aid to Dependent Children is a payment for needy children living in the home of a parent or custodian. Eligibility is based on need. Children considered eligible are those deprived of parental support due to a parent’s death, continued absence from the home or physical or mental incapacity.
  • Auxiliary grant payments are available to individuals requiring care in a licensed home for adults who have a low monthly income and less than $1,500 in resources.
  • State and local hospitalization funds help to cover hospitalization costs. These funds are set up through some counties and cities to contract with certain hospitals. Eligibility is based on income. (Ask for the Medicaid specialist to see if you qualify.)

Civilian Health and Medical Program of the Uniformed Services

Toll free (800) 827-1000

CHAMPUS is a military major medical benefits program provided by the federal government to help pay for civilian medical care. Those covered include spouses and children of active duty uniformed service personnel, retired uniformed service personnel and their spouses and children, and spouses and children of deceased active duty and retired personnel. (Ask for the CHAMPUS adviser/health-benefits adviser.)

Civilian Health and Medical Program of the Veterans Administration

Toll free (800) 827-1000

CHAMPVA is a medical benefits program of the Veterans Administration to help pay for medical services and supplies obtained from civilian sources by eligible dependents and survivors of certain veterans. Any Veterans Administration health care facility can provide information about CHAMPVA.

Veterans Pensions and Compensation (Virginia)

(800) 827-1000

Hunter Holmes McGuire VA Medical Center

1201 Broad Rock Boulevard
Richmond, Virginia 23219
(804) 675-5000

Veterans benefits are extensive and qualifications are complex. If you are a veteran or a veteran’s dependent, call for information regarding nonservice-connected pensions, service-connected compensations, hospitalization and medical care, and hospital-based home care.

Salvation Army Richmond Area

2 West Grace Street
Richmond, Virginia 23220
(804) 225-7470

The Salvation Army can provide help with housing bills, rent, food and clothing. Call to see if you qualify for their services.


2-1-1 VIRGINIA is available 24-hours a day, everyday, throughout Virginia.  2-1-1 is an easy-to-remember phone number that connects people with free information about available community services. When you dial 2-1-1, a trained professional listens to your situation and suggests sources of help using one of the largest databases of health and human services in Virginia.

Religious organizations

A number of religious organizations provide services to people with cancer. Check with your local social service agency, your hospital chaplaincy service or look in the Yellow Pages of your phone book under “Churches or Synagogues.”