• Uncommon compassion
  • Unwavering dedication
  • Unbreakable resolve


Our commitment to your privacy

Information privacy

As a health care provider responsible for keeping your confidential health information, your privacy is of utmost importance to us. VCU Massey Comprehensive Cancer Center is committed to protecting your confidential information to the fullest extent of the law. In addition, we have our own strict privacy policies and procedures to further protect your privacy.

Our privacy practices and procedures

VCU Massey Comprehensive Cancer Center is committed to protecting the privacy of your medical information. We are required by law to maintain the confidentiality of information that identifies you and the care you receive. We also require all of our employees to protect the confidentiality of your health information through written policies and procedures. Employees are also required to display identification badges at all times to make certain that unauthorized persons are not accessing areas where your health information is stored. If you have questions or concerns about our privacy practices, please call our privacy officer at (804) 828-0500.