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Screening for Lung Cancer

A patient speaks with a doctor about lung screening

Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer death for both men and women. Each year, lung cancer alone claims more American lives than all of the cancers of the breast, prostate and colorectum combined. The good news is that lung cancer is treatable and potentially curable if found early. If you are a long-term, heavy current or former smoker, age 55-77 years, your risk of developing lung cancer is significantly increased, and a low-dose CT lung scan may help find an early lung cancer when it is more treatable.

In March 2021, the US Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) issued new recommendations expanding the eligibility criteria for annual low-dose CT lung screenings. They now recommend that persons age 50-80 with a smoking history of 20 pack-years (the equivalent of 1-pack per day for 20-years) talk to their doctor about having low-dose lung cancer screening. These new recommendations dramatically increase the number of women and minorities who will be eligible for lung cancer screening.

Virginia’s leading lung cancer screening program

The Early Detection Lung Cancer Screening Program at VCU Health was Virginia’s first American College of Radiology-Designated multidisciplinary lung cancer screening center and is also recognized by the Go2 Foundation for Lung Cancer as a Screening Center of Excellence in Central Virginia.

VCU Health Systems offers low-dose lung cancer screening CT exams daily on its main campus in downtown Richmond as well as at all of its out-patient locations including Gateway, Short Pump, New Kent and Stony Point.

VCU Health Systems also has a distinct lung screening clinic at its Stony Point location every Wednesday. This clinic is led by fellowship trained Thoracic Radiologists and expert Pulmonologists trained and well-versed in lung cancer and lung cancer screening and has an on-site nurse navigator to guide each patient through the entire screening process. This clinic is the only one of its kind in the region. Initially, a pulmonologist meets with each patient to provide informed and shared decision making about lung cancer screening and to determine their individual lung cancer risk. If a scan is determined to be appropriate, it can be performed in the same clinic visit. The screening exam is immediately interpreted by a fellowship trained Thoracic Radiologist. The Radiologist and Pulmonologist then discuss the screen findings and review the results with the patient right then and there in the same visit. This approach simplifies the referral process for primary care providers and involves patients in the decision-making process. Smoking cessation counseling is also offered to interested patients in this same visit. Our team is part of a multidisciplinary group of lung cancer experts at VCU Massey Comprehensive Cancer Center, who collaborate to offer the highest quality of cancer treatment if lung cancer is diagnosed.

Call 804-827-LUNG (5864) to schedule an appointment.

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Emergency Center at New Kent

Emergency Center at New Kent

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2495 Pocahontas Trail
Quinton, VA 23141

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Short Pump Pavilion

Short Pump Pavilion

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11958 West Broad Street
Henrico, VA 23233

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Stony Point 9000

Stony Point 9000

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9000 Stony Point Parkway
Richmond, VA 23235

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VCU Medical Center Gateway Building

VCU Medical Center Gateway Building

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1200 E. Marshall Street
Richmond, VA 23219

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VCU Medical Center Main Hospital

VCU Medical Center Main Hospital

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1250 E. Marshall Street
Richmond, VA 23219

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Massey supports hundreds of top cancer specialists serving the needs of our patients. Massey’s medical team provides a wealth of expertise in cancer diagnosis, treatment, prevention and symptom management.

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Massey’s health care team provides a wealth of expertise in cancer diagnosis, treatment, prevention and symptom management. Click the button to request a Lung Cancer Screening Clinic appointment.

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