• Uncommon compassion
  • Unwavering dedication
  • Unbreakable resolve


Create your legacy

Leave a legacy of hope by supporting VCU Massey Cancer Center through your estate plans. You can document your planned gift by completing the MCVF fillable form.

Lawrence Society logoPlanned gifts not only provide for Massey’s future, but they may help reduce estate tax and offer current tax deductions. Donors who designate Massey in their estate plans are invited to join The Lawrence Society, named in honor of Dr. Walter Lawrence, Jr., Massey's founding director. Members of the Lawrence Society are also inducted into the MCV Society, the planned giving society for donors of the medical campus of Virginia Commonwealth University. 

There are many ways to make a planned gift to Massey, including the following: 

Daughter and granddaughters talking to grandparentsDonate appreciated securities: Donating appreciated securities that you have owned for more than one year avoids capital gains tax and qualifies for a charitable income tax deduction for the full value of the securities.

Include a bequest to VCU Massey Comprehensive Cancer Center in your will: Testamentary bequests to VCU Massey Comprehensive Cancer Center are deductible for estate tax purposes. Bequests may be structured in a number of ways: your bequest may be unrestricted, directed to a specific purpose, or it may establish an endowed fund in memory or in honor of you or someone else. Massey's Development Office can provide sample bequest language.

Name VCU Massey Comprehensive Cancer Center as a beneficiary of your retirement accounts: Upon death, retirement assets are generally taxed as income to the named beneficiary and included as a taxable estate asset. As a result, your beneficiary may ultimately receive only a fraction of the account's value. By naming VCU Massey Comprehensive Cancer Center as your beneficiary, you can avoid these taxes entirely with 100% of your gift supporting your charitable intentions and leave more tax efficient assets to your beneficiaries. 

Four Lawrence members posing togetherCharitable gift annuities: Through a simple contract, you can donate an irrevocable gift of cash or appreciated securities in exchange for a fixed or variable income arranged through Massey's financial partner, the Medical College of Virginia Foundation.

Other ways to make a planned gift to Massey include life insurance, real estate, IRA, as well as establishing a Charitable Remainder Trust or a Charitable Lead Trust.

For assistance, please contact Jasmine Davis, director of development, at (804) 484-4903 (mobile) or jjdavis3@vcu.edu.