• Uncommon compassion
  • Unwavering dedication
  • Unbreakable resolve


Image Processing and Analysis

If you require “assisted use” of one of the microscopes, please contact the facility staff; otherwise, for unassisted use, follow the instructions below to signup for equipment using the VCU CORES system.

Here is an instructional video you can watch that will show you how to properly use Force to create, edit, and cancel a reservation:



To obtain an account to access the Resource Scheduler, you must first have been trained by one of the facility staff in the operation of the microscope(s) that you want to use. If you have not yet received a training session, please contact the facility staff.


  1. Log into Force
  2. Select Reservations
  3. Select your Core and click on Next: Select Resources
  4. Select the Resource(s) you will be reserving, up to 7 Resources may be selected at once.
  5. Click on Next: Show Calendar
  6. Click in an open time slot for the day and piece of equipment you are reserving
    1. Select the exact Start and End Times and click on Continue
    2. Select the Service Item from the dropdown
    3. Select the Index Number from the dropdown
    4. Select the name of the PI to be charged
    5. Select the name of the Resource User
      1. If you are the Resource User, your name will be prepopulated
      2. Core Staff: If the Resource User is not an Approved Resource User on the piece of equipment, select the PI’s name and enter the Resource Users name in the Comment field
      1. Resource users, enter an emergency phone number should an issue arise with the equipment or the time slot. Enter any other information the Core might need to know for your reservation
      2. Core staff, enter the Resource Users name, if necessary, and any additional information necessary for this reservation
  7. Record your reservation details and make note of the core’s edit and cancellation policies.
  8. Click on Create to make the Reservation
  9. Wait for the Success Confirmation window to open. Then click on the Close button
  10. All upcoming Reservations will be listed under the Reservation tab


  1. Log into Force
  2. Select Reservations
  3. Select the Core for the reservation you will be editing and click on Next: Select Resources
  4. Select the Resource for the reservation you will be editing, up to 7 Resources may be selected at one time.
  5. Click on Next: Show Calendar
  6. Locate the Reservation you are editing on the calendar and click on the shaded time slot for your reservation.
  7. If your reservation is editable according to the individual Core’s editing policy, you will see an Editbutton. Click on the Edit button to edit you reservation.
  8. Fields available for edit are Service Item, Index Number, PI Name, Resource User, Start Time, End Time, and Comments.
  9. Make your edits.
  10. Record the changes to your reservation.
  11. Then click on the Save Changes button.


  1. Log into Force
  2. Select Reservations
  3. Select the Core for the reservation you will be editing and click on Next: Select Resources
  4. Select the Resource for the reservation you will be editing, up to 7 Resources may be selected at one time.
  5. Click on Next: Show Calendar
  6. Locate the Reservation you are editing on the calendar and click on the shaded time slot for your reservation
  7. If your reservation is within the timeframe to be cancelled according to the individual Core’s cancellation policy, you will see an Edit button. Click on the Edit button to cancel your reservation.
  8. Click on the Cancel Reservation button.
  9. Confirm the cancellation by clicking on the Yes button.