• Uncommon compassion
  • Unwavering dedication
  • Unbreakable resolve



About the Biostatistics Shared Resource (BSSR)

The Biostatistics Shared Resource (BSSR) promotes excellence in cancer research by providing outstanding biostatistical support and collaboration to Massey members. We aspire to foster long-term collaborations with cancer researchers, beginning with idea conception and continuing through the peer-review process and beyond. The BSSR provides biostatistical support beginning in the initial experimental design stage to the presentation of research findings and, ultimately, in the submission of scientific publications for peer review. Biostatisticians also participate in the oversight of cancer center protocols in the Protocol Review and Monitoring System (PRMS) and monitoring committees. The collaborative nature of this work optimizes the shared resources' effectiveness, resulting in support from peer-reviewed grants.

In addition to collaboration, BSSR faculty also contribute through methodological research that applies directly to programmatic research at Massey. The BSSR also trains postdoctoral scientists and clinical fellows in drafting pilot grants and K awards, and also provide training through seminars and individual consultation sessions.

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Acknowledge the Biostatistics Shared Resource

All publications that include results, services or products generated by the Massey Biostatistics Shared Resource must include the following acknowledgement in the manuscript:

"Services and products in support of the research project were generated by the VCU Massey Comprehensive Cancer Center Biostatistics Shared Resource, supported, in part, with funding from NIH-NCI Cancer Center Support Grant P30 CA016059."

PubMed Central (PMC) ID numbers are required for those publications that use CCSG-supported shared resources, including Biostatistics, Flow Cytometry, Lipidomics & Metabolomics, Microscopy, Tissue & Data Acquisition and Analysis and Transgenic/Knockout Mouse.