• Uncommon compassion
  • Unwavering dedication
  • Unbreakable resolve


CREP for early stage investigators at VSU

An initiative of the VSU-MCC Partnership for Cancer Disparities (SUCCEED)

Cancer Research Education Program for early stage investigators at VSU

As part of the VSU-MCC Partnership for Cancer Disparities (SUCCEED), the Cancer Research Education Program (CREP) is designed to improve the capacity of underrepresented minority early stage investigators at VSU to conduct cancer disparities-related and community-engaged research through a 4-year mentored research experience. This comprehensive training program offers a variety of career development opportunities, such as grant writing and manuscript development guidance, and participation in research events at an NCI-designated Cancer Center.

Program expectations

Grant submissions

  • Participants must apply for Massey pilot project funding at least once a year
  • An R21 submission is required in Year 2 to establish the foundations for larger applications
  • Submission of a K- and R01-level application is expected by Year 3 or Year 4, with the potential for an A1 submission


  • Participants are expected to successfully submit a paper in Year 1
  • First author publications generated from pilot project grant funding are expected in Year 2, Year 3 and Year 4

Mandatory participation in workshops, conferences and seminars

  • Lawrence Research Retreat (submission of abstract required in Year 2)
  • Disparities Retreat
  • Massey Director's Seminar Series (must attend at least six per year)
  • P20 SUCCEED Seminar Series
  • Grant Writing Manuscript Workshop (all sessions)
  • SUCCEED Community-engaged Research Boot Camp (must attend annual sessions)

Program evaluations

  • Fellows are expected to meet with their mentor at least once a month to discuss research progress in a formal or informal setting.
  • Fellows must complete a formal evaluation with their research mentor annually to evaluate progress throughout the course of the program. If a fellow receives an unsatisfactory evaluation more than 2 years in a row, they are not permitted to continue participate in the program.
  • Fellows are encouraged to evaluate their mentor during the course of the program.


Rosuany (Rose) Vélez Acevedo, Ph.D., SUCCEED program coordinator
(804) 828-9657