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Commonwealth celebrates Massey Cancer Center’s comprehensive designation: “If you didn’t know about Massey—now you know”

Jun 09, 2023

Group stands with NCI designation badge Leaders from VCU and across the commonwealth came together to celebrate Massey Cancer Center’s NCI comprehensive designation

Leaders from Virginia Commonwealth University and across the commonwealth came together to celebrate VCU Massey Cancer Center’s comprehensive designation from the National Cancer Institute (NCI) on Thursday, June 8.


Robert A. Winn, M.D., Massey director and Lipman Chair in Oncology, was joined by VCU President Michael Rao, Ph.D., Richmond Mayor Levar Stoney, Virginia Secretary of Health John Littel, former Massey director Gordon Ginder, M.D., and Massey Advisory Board incoming chair Becky Massey, to speak to the significance of this recognition for Massey Cancer Center, those living in its catchment area and all Virginians.

Urban One broadcast journalist “Miss Community” Clovia Lawrence, who co-hosts a monthly segment on cancer and health disparity topics with Winn, served as the day’s emcee, welcoming the audience to what was an afternoon full of cheers, laughter and celebration of the leaders, donors and community members who made this achievement possible.

“We’re here to celebrate our ability to now save more lives and enhance more lives, and because we continue to share a vision of a future without cancer,” said Rao, explaining that the comprehensive status will allow Massey to accelerate its research efforts and further engage communities through trust-building.

Rao, Stoney and other speakers praised the leadership of Winn and his predecessor, Ginder, as instrumental in reaching this milestone.  

“I’m walking in with a swagger not just because of what we’ve just done but because of the men and women whose shoulders I stand upon who brought us here,” said Winn, going on to add, “If you didn’t know about Massey Cancer Center – now you know.”

Attendees recognized the efforts of former Massey director Gordon Ginder, M.D. Attendees recognized the efforts of former Massey director Gordon Ginder, M.D.

Ginder commended the scientists, physicians, nurses, staff, students and trainees all working diligently to eradicate cancer in our community. “I’ve been accused of being a master of understatement, but I have nothing but superlatives today in my thanks to all of you who made this possible,” he added.

“We need folks who don’t believe in the word impossible,” said Stoney. “When you’re in this work you have to throw impossible out the window – everything is possible when we work together towards a goal.” Stoney also recognized Winn’s accomplishment as the first African American director to lead a cancer center to comprehensive status.

The mayor acknowledged the care provided at Massey to a family member with cancer. “It meant a lot that I could offer her the best,” he said. “We want the best for all of our people, no matter location, zip code, color of their skin, who they pray to, they deserve the best. And Massey cancer is the best at what they do.”

Secretary Littel presented Rao and Winn with a proclamation signed by Governor Glenn Youngkin, commemorating June 8, 2023, as VCU Massey Cancer Day in the Commonwealth of Virginia. “This achievement speaks to research and community support, but it speaks first to leadership,” Littel added. “On behalf of the commonwealth I express congratulations and great recognition.”

Virginia Health Secretary John Littel presented Rao and Winn a proclamation commemorating VCU Massey Cancer Center Day Virginia Health Secretary John Littel presented Rao and Winn a proclamation commemorating VCU Massey Cancer Center Day

Winn took the podium to a standing ovation from the board members, community leaders and Massey team members in the room. “My heart is overjoyed,” he started, recounting his first steps on the path to medicine as a student at Notre Dame, and claiming this achievement “on the shoulders of giants” like his predecessors Ginder and Walter Lawrence, Jr., M.D., who was at the helm of the cancer center as its first director after its founding in 1974.

“This victory isn’t mine, this victory isn’t ours, this victory is for the commonwealth,” said Winn. “We exemplify what you can do as one team with one fight. Just imagine what we can do next.”

Winn introduced Becky Massey, who spoke in her role as the incoming chair of the Massey Advisory Board and as a representative of the Massey Family Foundation.

Becky Massey celebrates Massey’s comprehensive designation Becky Massey celebrates Massey’s comprehensive designation


“The Massey family is proud to be represented here today to witness this validation of decades of hard work and the commitment to a passion and a dream that I know everyone here today shares,” she said. “Thanks to the leaders throughout the commonwealth, our community members and donors who have embraced Massey Cancer Center and supported us by your investment in our research and your support of the endeavors the cancer center has fought for. You’ve made this day possible.”


Written by: Annie Harris

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