Jun 18, 2020
We want to continue to keep everyone onsite at VCU Massey Cancer Center safe during COVID-19. To do this, we are following the face mask guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and are requiring everyone in our environment to wear a face mask.
If you do not have a face mask, we will give you one. As long as you are in one of our facilities, you are required to wear a face mask.
For ambulatory patients and their escorts:
For inpatient visitors:
Accommodations for people unable to wear face masks for medical reasons:
Our face mask requirement is one of several measures we have put in place to keep you safe.
A lot has changed since the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic began, but our commitment to safe, responsible care has not. Our safety measures include vigorous disinfection and cleaning processes and fewer people in our waiting rooms. Learn what to expect at your next visit.
Written by: VCU Health Public Affairs
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Treatments in clinical trials may be more effective or have fewer side effects than the treatments that are currently available. With more than 200 studies for multiple types of cancers and cancer prevention, Massey supports a wide array of clinical trials.
Massey supports hundreds of top cancer specialists serving the needs of our patients. Massey’s medical team provides a wealth of expertise in cancer diagnosis, treatment, prevention and symptom management.