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Changes to visitor policy

Jun 22, 2020


As of Friday, January 8, VCU Massey Cancer Center is suspending all in-person visits to hospitalized patients for the duration of the third wave of the COVID-19 pandemic. This temporary, full visitor restriction policy is designed to keep our team members, patients and community safe.

Exceptions include:

  • Patients at the end of life:
    The number of visitors will be determined by the patient’s care team.

Entry points for these visitors will be limited to the Gateway and Critical Care Hospital entrances. Please bring an I.D.

  • Visitors are required to wear a visitor badge, provided by the information desk, at all times while on site.
  • Visitors must stay in the patient room for the duration of their visit and are required to wear a face mask at all times. The face mask must cover both nose and mouth.
  • There is no visitor re-entry on the same day. Once visitors leave, they will not be permitted until visiting hours begin the following day.

We understand this is a difficult time for our patients and visitors, and we appreciate your help keeping our loved ones and our community safe. Working together, we are confident that these measures will help us get through this third wave of COVID-19 within our facilities while balancing the visitation needs of our patients.

Visiting pediatric patients? For our visitation policy for pediatric patients, please visit Children's Hospital of Richmond at VCU.

Outpatient appointments

Doctor’s appointments

Only if needed for assistance, patients arriving for non-surgical outpatient appointments may bring one visitor/support person with them. All support people will be screened for symptoms of COVID-19 and must be 18 years of age or older.

Once your doctor’s appointment is confirmed, both you and your support person will be asked to wear a wristband. This wristband must be visible at all times while onsite.

Both you and your support person must wear a face mask at all times. Face masks must cover both your nose and mouth.

Inpatient and outpatient surgeries

As of January 5, 2021, patients arriving for inpatient or outpatient surgery must enter the building alone. No one may enter the building with you. 

Please have your driver drop you off at the entrance. We will ask you for this person’s phone number so we can contact them following your surgery. Please bring this phone number with you to share upon arrival.

Exceptions to the "no visitor" policy:

  • Pediatric patients may have two adults present.
  • Patients with disabilities may have one support person.
  • Obstetric (D&E) patients may have one support person.
  • Other circumstances as determined by the health care team.

All visitors/support people will be screened for symptoms of COVID-19 and must be 18 years of age or older.

Once your appointment is confirmed, both you and your support person will be asked to wear a wristband. This wristband must be visible at all times while onsite.

You and your support person must wear a face mask at all times. Face masks must cover both your nose and mouth.

In this difficult and unprecedented time, we know showing love and care is of the utmost importance, and our teams are committed to providing safe and compassionate care.

Even if you cannot be physically with your loved one in the hospital, please know that they still need you – and VCU Health wants to help you to stay in touch. VCU Health is providing technology, such as iPads and phones, through a virtual visit program to patients with limited access to digital technology to encourage FaceTime, text message and Zoom conversations with their loved ones.

We appreciate your understanding during these uncertain times.

This article was updated on January 8, 2021. 

Written by: VCU Health Public Affairs

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