Center News & Funding, Adult Outpatient Pavilion
Jun 14, 2021
VCU Health’s new 17-story Adult Outpatient Pavilion opens in December with a multitude of outpatient services easily accessible under one roof, including the majority of VCU Massey Cancer Center’s clinics on the downtown medical campus. The structure encompasses 615,000 square feet and includes 1,000 parking spaces.
“This building is really designed and engineered and crafted floor by floor, corner by corner, bringing everything to the patient,” said Art Kellermann, M.D., M.P.H., senior vice president for VCU Health Sciences and CEO of VCU Health System.
“From day 1, the patient and patient experience has been in the center of all our decision making,” said Doug Arthur, M.D., Florence and Hyman Meyers Chair in Radiation Oncology and associate director for clinical affairs at VCU Massey Cancer Center. “It has shaped the way the buildings come together to assure that all the subspecialists are all together in one area to collaborate and take care of patients together.”
Patients will find a wide array of specialties as well as diagnostic testing, medical imaging, a pharmacy and an on-site laboratory all in one building. VCU Massey Cancer Center at the Adult Outpatient Pavilion will have its own lobby, elevator and entire floors dedicated to cancer services.
Take a video hard hat tour of the Adult Outpatient Pavilion:
The entire building is an “intersection of science, of health care delivery and community all coming together,” said Robert Winn, M.D., director of VCU Massey Cancer Center and Lipman Chair in Oncology. “There's wellness centers that are really trying to be engaged in a way of not just bringing medicine to the folks that entered that building but bringing health.”
Special attention has been paid to making sure the building is easy to navigate — that patients can go from one service to another quickly and easily. There will be quiet spaces to rest and recharge, as well a cafeteria and abundant parking.
“What we've come up with is a way to take care of patients that will become a model for the rest of the nation,” said Michael Rao, Ph.D., president of VCU and VCU Health System.
Children’s Hospital of Richmond at VCU (CHoR) will be opening its new state-of-the-art, 500,000 square foot inpatient facility for children in 2023. It will include inpatient pediatric oncology care. Visit CHoR for information on how its new “Wonder Tower” will maximize care and minimize fears for our younger patients.
Adapted from an article written by VCU Health Public Affairs
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Treatments in clinical trials may be more effective or have fewer side effects than the treatments that are currently available. With more than 200 studies for multiple types of cancers and cancer prevention, Massey supports a wide array of clinical trials.
Massey supports hundreds of top cancer specialists serving the needs of our patients. Massey’s medical team provides a wealth of expertise in cancer diagnosis, treatment, prevention and symptom management.