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Recipe corner: fiesta crock pot lettuce wraps and infused water

May 01, 2019


May brings warmer weather and of course, summer celebrations. Make your party a little healthier this year with these recipes.

Fiesta Crock Pot Lettuce Wraps


  • 4 Chicken Breasts
  • 1 Cup Minced Pineapple
  • ½ cup Cubed Pineapple
  • Juice from 2 Large Oranges (approximately ½ cup)
  • 6 Garlic Cloves, Minced
  • 2 Tablespoons Chipotle Peppers in Adobo Sauce (If you like spicy increase up to 4 tablespoons)
  • 2 Tablespoons Dijon Mustard
  • Crispy Lettuce
  • 1 Sliced Avocado
  • ½ Cup Sliced Grape Tomatoes
  • Cilantro
  • Juice from 1-2 Limes

Set your crock pot on high for 3 hours or low for 6 hours. In your crock pot mix together minced pineapples, orange juice, minced garlic cloves and Dijon mustard. Place whole chicken breasts on top of mixture. Let the crock pot do all the work! When your crock pot timer is up shred the chicken. Pile the shredded chicken into lettuce wraps and top with sliced avocado, cubed pineapple, sliced tomatoes, and cilantro. Drizzle with lime juice and let your taste buds go crazy! This dish is so easy and absolutely delicious!

Recipe inspired from TheEndlessMeal.com.


Infused Water
Now that warmer weather has arrived it is important to stay hydrated. Try to decrease your intake of sweetened drinks full of added sugars by infusing your water with fruit, vegetables and herbs. There are so many different combinations you could try. One of my favorite infused water combinations (as pictured) is cucumber + strawberry + lime + mint. However, there are so many different combinations you could try. Amp up your water this spring and summer with one or perhaps all of these different infused water suggestions!

  • Lemon + Thyme
  • Watermelon + Honeydew + Mint
  • Lime + Ginger Root + Basil
  • Cucumber + Mint + Jalapeno
  • Lemon + Raspberry + Rosemary
  • Orange + Blueberry + Basil

** Crush your ginger and leafy herbs to release flavors.

Recipes prepared by Allie Farley, M.S., R.D., L.D., registered dietitian at VCU Health. Visit Allie's blog on Diet and Nutrition for more recipes and information about the role that diet plays in cancer.

Written by: Massey Communications Office

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