Empowering the next generation of leaders for National Cancer Institute-designated Cancer Centers
The VCU Massey Comprehensive Cancer Center and the Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC) Hollings Cancer Center are proud to launch the inaugural Executive Leadership Academy for Cancer Centers (ELACC). This 18-month academy moves through a robust curriculum for those interested in learning more about the Cancer Center Support Grant (CCSG) and aspire to be a future NCI-designated cancer center leader. Six Massey and six Hollings faculty will be selected for the first cohort.
About the ELACC experience
Leadership from Massey, Hollings and other NCI-designated cancer centers across the U.S. will provide an 18-month, in-depth training series on all aspects of the CCSG, inclusive of guideline review, unwritten expectations, best practices and panel discussions highlighting leadership experiences. ELACC Fellows will be exposed to leadership development workshops and a 360-degree leadership assessment followed by three professional 1:1 coaching sessions. Paired with both a leadership mentor and external sponsor, ELACC Fellows will also support the development and completion of an ELACC Capstone Project.
Download full program details and participation expectation (PDF)
- Massey/Hollings will support a new cohort of 12 ELACC Fellows every two years; the actual length of the academy program is 18 months
- ELACC Fellows are expected to devote 10% effort over the 18 months, and they will receive 10% salary/fringe of base salary
All ELACC Fellows must meet the following criteria:
- Assistant Professor who is at least four years out from first faculty appointment; OR an Associate Professor or a Full Professor who is in first two years of appointment at this level
- Applicant must show positive trajectory of research and developing leadership success (e.g., publications, secured independent research funding, clinical trials leadership (PI on investigator-initiated trials and high-volume accruals), cancer center-focused committee service)
- Must be a CCSG Research Member in good standing (e.g., actively participating in Cancer Center engagements, service requests)
- Submit an NIH Biosketch with up to a full-page personal statement within the biosketch articulating your career and leadership goals
- The one-page personal statement in your NIH Biosketch will be essential to the review and selection process and should clearly articulate your specific interest in pursuing a leadership role within your cancer center
- Your statement should indicate the CCSG/cancer center leadership role you are most interested in pursuing next in your career (e.g., Program Leader, Associate Director, Director) and in what area (e.g., Cancer Research Training and Education—CRTEC, Clinical Research, Plans to Enhance Diversity—PED, Community Outreach and Engagement—COE, Basic Research, Translational Research, Population Sciences Research, Shared Resources)
- ELACC administration will request a confidential reference from your department chair, co-signed by the relevant Dean
- An interview is not required for acceptance, but a candidate may be asked to participate in a 30-minute interview with senior cancer center leadership
- September 6, 2024: Call for applications released
- September 18, 2024: Virtual ELACC information session (register here)
- October 17, 2024: Application deadline (apply here)
- November 15, 2024: ELACC Fellow award announcement
- January 1, 2025: Program start date
- June 30, 2026: Program end date (18 months)
Applications due October 17, 2024
For more information, please register for the ELACC information session on September 18 at 3:00 p.m. For general questions, please contact Andrea Brown (browna57@vcu.edu).